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Saving a baby with diarrhea from dangerous risks

Diarrhea babies tend to be more at risk of complications than adults who are experiencing diarrhea. Diarrhea infants can become dehydrated quickly, even within two hours after diarrhea begins. This condition can be very dangerous, especially in newborns. Newborns, especially those who consume breast milk, do release feces that are thinner and frothier than babies who consume formula milk. This makes the mother sometimes confused to determine whether the stools are normal or not. Normal stools in infants who consume breast milk are generally yellowish, soft-textured, and runny. Although not always the case, newborns who are breastfed can breastfeed up to five times a day. Sometimes because the stomach is full, breast milk stimulates the digestive tract so the baby will defecate right after breastfeeding. When the age is over one month, babies can defecate as much as one to two times per day. Meanwhile, babies who consume formula milk only defecate once a day with stool that is harder and smelly. Sometimes mothers find it difficult to distinguish whether the baby has diarrhea or only defecation that is softer than usual. Suspect your baby has diarrhea when there is a change in the frequency of bowel movements, such as suddenly becoming much more frequent with large amounts, the baby looks weak, and the stool turns much softer or more fluid than usual.

Recognize the Causes of Diarrhea in Babies

Diarrhea is a major cause of malnutrition in children under five in developing countries due to water pollution and food pollution. Rotavirus as a cause of gastroenteritis is one of the main reasons babies diarrhea. This infection causes interference with the baby's digestive tract, so that nutrients in food are not absorbed completely and excess fluid comes out. In addition, babies can also be infected by bacteria, parasites, or other viruses from dirty objects around them, and from the floor when they put their dirty hands in their mouths. Baby diarrhea can also be caused by allergies, formula milk that is not processed properly, lactose intolerance, food poisoning, flu, consumption of antibiotics, and enzyme deficiency. Diarrhea babies can lose a lot of water and electrolytes from the body. This is what can cause dehydration. Dehydrated babies can be identified by the following signs:
  • Sunken eyes.
  • Looks weak.
  • Dry and cracked lips.
  • No tears when crying.
  • Rarely urinating.
  • Urine is darker and smelly than usual.
  • Do not want to eat or drink.
  • Restless or fussy.
In severe dehydration, the baby can look sleepy because of decreased consciousness, hands and feet become cold, and breathing becomes fast. If not treated immediately, dehydration can lead to kidney damage, convulsions, even shock to death.

Preventing Dehydration in Diarrhea Babies

Recognize the main symptoms that indicate a baby's diarrhea, that is, if the baby is constantly passing stool or liquid, especially if the stool is accompanied by blood or mucus. Fever and vomiting can also accompany diarrhea. Do the following immediately if your baby has one or more of the above symptoms:
  • To prevent dehydration, make sure he gets a fluid intake
  • For babies under 6 months, give ASI as usual with additional Breast Milk each time he has diarrhea or vomits. For children and babies older than 6 months, oralit solution can be given every time diarrhea or vomiting. Use clean water when making ORS solution.
  • The dose of ORS is half a cup for children under 2 years, and one cup for children over 2 years, give each time diarrhea or vomiting.
  • Avoid giving antidiarrheal drugs to babies, because these drugs can cause serious side effects. This type of drug may only be given if the child is 12 years old and above.
  • Continue to provide solid food if your baby is over six months old. You can try giving rice, bananas, apple puree, dried bread, pasta, or mashed potatoes. However, avoid solid foods if he vomits constantly. It doesn't matter if the baby doesn't want to eat, but be sure to give him enough fluids to prevent this
  • Probiotics may be useful to help deal with baby diarrhea. However, research shows only two types of good bacteria that are beneficial for diarrhea in children, namely Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Saccharomyces boulardii.
  • Give syrup or zinc tablets to children for 10 consecutive days. Dosage of zinc can follow the doctor's prescription.
Giving antibiotics is not always necessary in treating baby diarrhea. If it is caused by a virus, antibiotics will not provide benefits. Therefore, doctors will only give antibiotics if diarrhea is caused by bacteria. As a preventative measure, as much as possible give breast milk compared to formula milk. Breastfed babies tend to be less at risk of diarrhea, because certain ingredients in breast milk can actually inhibit the development of bacteria that cause diarrhea and strengthen the immune system. In addition, cleanliness is the main key to prevent baby diarrhea. Always wash your hands before preparing food and before interacting with the baby, especially after you urinate. In addition, wash your own hands after each diaper change to avoid spreading bacteria to other family members. Also make sure your baby has been vaccinated to prevent rotavirus infection that causes diarrhea. Rotavirus vaccination is generally given first when the baby is 6-14 weeks old, then the second after 4-8 weeks from the first administration, and finally when the baby is 8 months old. Mother does not need to panic, because generally the condition of a baby's diarrhea can subside by itself. However, immediately consult a pediatrician if diarrhea gets worse, especially if there are signs of dehydration. Also consult your doctor if your child has a fever and / or vomiting for more than 24 hours, blood on his stools, and if his stomach is visible or palpable.


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